Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hi, I'm Matt

I think the novelty has worn off of blogging long enough ago so that I can become a blogger. I didn't start wearing cargo shorts until 2001; I discovered Blondie at age 21 which fell in Summer 2002; I am still an iHavenot. I don't have a finger on the pulse. It takes me a little while to adjust to what's hot.

But the main factor that's been keeping me away from Blogspot has been the pressure to make a cool blog. I can't be a "TODAY I DID THIS..."-blogger, nor a "THE THING ABOUT LIFE IS..."-blogger. Rather, this blog will be a collection of regularly recurring features. NoNoNo!!! That was, "...regularly recurring features!" They will be *that* exciting!

Together, we will explore such episodic posts as: Reviews of Things I Saw on The Food Network; Fridays of Friendship; The Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week; How ___ Compares to Zen Palate. There will be installments that come weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or even randomly. You will love coming back here, and you will leave me comments.

If you've found this manifestette, it means you've scrolled down. Before going public, I privately got my own ball rolling and ironed out my kinks. The world has already started. Glad you're here.


At 11:49 AM, Blogger action-jackson said...

Welcome to blogging Matt! Now let's get you a Moto Razor and an iPod Nano and you will be living in the future!


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