100% Intense [New Feature!]
The site is a forum of the kids who were dorks in high school, but are on the cusp of inviting the formerly popular kids to blow them because their next jobs will be for The Daily Show, The Onion, or South Park. Essentially, they explain what happens on TV each week. Often, the episode redux takes about an hour and a half to read though the episode itself was only thirty minutes long. The recappers have, at times, really screwed things up, such as that time theu moved Commander in Chief to Permanent Hiatus after Episode 3, but we allow them to err because so often they provide us some of the greatest moments in Western literature:
It's like when you walk into Diesel and there's pieces of t-shirts stapled onto other t-shirts and first you think, "Björk made this!" and then you think, "Oh. I could make this." (Unknown)
[Top Model's Brittany] is also wearing kind of an obnoxious hat, which isn't
helping matters. The hat always seems to give people license to act more
annoying, which is why Mayim Bialik was such a freaking pill. (Potes)
Unfortunately, TVWoP does not recap Degrassi: TNG, and they never will:
What about Show Y -- can we expect recaps of that?
If a show has already started and it doesn't have a section on the site..., it's pretty safe to assume that we won't be recapping it.Awwww, why not? You guys could do such a funny job with it!
Why, thankee. We do have good reasons for these decisions, though, so you'll just have to trust us (and refrain from blitzing us with emails about adding the show). ...if it's three weeks into the season and you haven't seen a recap, there aren't going to be any. Accept it and move on.But --
No.(source: TVWoP FAQ)
This is a bitter shame. I have discussed Degrassi as quality television before. Remember? So that means I will have to recap Degrassi: TNG. Just like The N's taglines for the show itself, my recaps will (a.) be 100% INTENSE, and (b.) GO THERE. Teen pregnancy, drug dealing, gun violence, acne, coming out, sleeping with the teacher, racism, cheerleading squad coups, graduation, alcoholism, shitty locker assignments: get ready bitches.

BTW, I totally recap Degrassi to Brenda Nopper of Toledo Ohio. We will talk for at least an hour and a half weekly about Degrassi episodes that we have seen. Rock.
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