Thursday, March 02, 2006

Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week

I haven't really seen a lot of TV in the last week or so, or, more accurately, I haven't seen any TV in the last week or so. Tonight, though, I saw some TV. I saw last week's Family Guy, about 20 minutes of The Real World, and then the Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week, Julianne Moore. She has that new movie out that looks intense, and I'm sure my mom will see it and tell me it was good, but I won't see it, and Jon Stewart had her on to plug it.
The interview kind of blew; it was Jon Stewart talking and she giggling. Like everyone else, I like watching Jon Stewart talk, but I really like the image I have of Julianne Moore being really smart, so I was hoping she'd just talk about smart stuff like the Senate or Rational Zeros of Polynomials or whatever. She didn't. She did look ravishing, though. Her hair was really red and her skin was really white.
That's it. Slow period in TV watching.


At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the new Greatest Songs Never to be Sung by Corey Feldman?


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