The 6* Most Beautiful Things of 2006
Julianne Moore: in The Vertical Hour. The play blew, but Julianne Moore’s face? I’m done with needing to see things ever again.- The Last 20 Minutes of the Confessions Tour: began with a “Music”/“Disco Inferno” mash-up, touched on an ABBA-infused “Lucky Star,” and ended with many gold balloons falling from the grid. Then, as Kevin said, “the world [was] made of love and a thousand colorful lights.”
- Kyoto: was actually around in the 6th century BCE, but I didn’t discover it until the 2006th century CE.

- Bad Education: right, this movie came out in 2004, but it was on the screen again in 2006 as part of the Viva Pedro! series. Remember that time when Gael Garcia Bernal got out of the swimming pool in his Fruit of the Looms? Yeah, I do too.
- Ana Matronic’s Verbosity: Bitch does not shut up. At Coney Island, she spoke for 15 minutes about the history of the Cyclone. In Boston, she taught us about St. Nick’s Day and discouraged slavery…in the same story. At Hammerstein, I was really drunk.
- The New Color of my Bedroom: as of MLK Day 2K6 is Behr’s Sweet Midori. It’s not for everyone, but it is for Matt the Great.
- OKGO’s Treadmill Video: We’ve all seen it by now.
- “Solomon Song”: from The Threepenny Opera. The play blew, but Cyndi Lauper’s voice? I’m done with needing to hear things ever again.
- "You can get away with camo pants, Matt": said Jeffery Self early in the summer. He didn't know it at the time, but that comment would go on to become, like, the nicest thing anybody told me all year.
- The 110th US Congress: keep your shit together, Tim Johnson.
- The Tim/Dawn Kiss: OK, yeah, I know. This happened in 2002, but I didn’t know it until 2006. …Oh Jesus Christ… Fine, whatever: The Jim/Pam Kiss.
* -- ...was much too difficult.
oh yea, i remember Gael in that scene! in fact i don't have to recall it cause i bought the movie so i can watch it over & over & over & over again. he's the dreamiest!
found your site from j-money's btw.
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