Adventures in Hotness: GWEN STEFANI

As for the Gwen Stefani situation, teenage girls in Japan don't really even know who she is. They're into Avril Lavigne and Britney Spears if they dare venture out of their J-Pop scene. It seems as though Ms. Stefani is into Harajuku, but Harajuku couldn't give a damn about her.
Some of Gwen's hotter moments included a hot, hot 1950s bikini in red, a flowy Monroe gown for "Cool," and, well, any other time she was onstage. She was doing some badass dancing in bigass high heels. I asked Jaclyn--I guess she's my Female Issues Expert--if that is hard to do, and for perspective, she offered that she can't even walk in heels.
Jaclyn and I, both No Doubt purists, were happy with Gwen in her typical presence; she's awkard, her dancing's a little geeky, we were scared of her in punk and attracted to her in glam. We went to be dutiful, but came out thinking the night was so hella good. The album's rad, and I've known that for a year, but when you put a high-heeled Gwen in a majorette uniform and watch her jump, you suddenly get "Hollaback Girl." Favorite songs of the night: "Crash" (MTG did not holla "back it up, back it up" when she requested that of her New York City Boys. Nor did Jaclyn holla, "you got it, you got it," as was asked of Gwen's New York City Girls.), "The Real Thing" for being so 80s tuff, and the un-released "Candyland."
Kevin, who describes the night as "the 180-degree opposite of sucking," belives Ms. Stefani to be "literally an icon for the ages. One or two more albums and she'll be the biggest star in the world." And this should have us wondering, "what about Madonna?" Again, Kevin, who we'll call teaMMatt's Gwen Field Reporter, offers, "she's the new Madonna. Flippin' genius."

Madonna has recorded a new single, "Hung Up." She played it recently to a friend who said, "It's quite Gwen Stefani, isn't it?"
Her reply? "That cunt's been stealing from me for the last ten years, so I thought it was time I paid her back."
source: ask Fischer.
"She ripped me off, so we mutually agreed that I could rip her off," Madonna quips of Stefani. "We work with a lot of the same people. She married a Brit, she's got blond hair and she likes fashion. But I don't mind. I think she's very sweet and really talented."
"We're having a contest to see which city screams the loudest. So far, the winner is Utah."
The Gwennie/Madonna conflict couldn't be in better hands...
Can't wait to hear the new Madge single!
Yay Fischy!
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