Saturday, December 03, 2005

Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week

OK. So the Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week actually (ding!) came from last week. It was the Thanksgiving week episode of Commander in Chief, or as I've started calling it, Geena in Charge. And that Thing was the star of the movie Dead Man on Campus joining CiC's cast!
He's also the love interest of Kelly, and we at *love* Kelly (Pesident Geena's Press Secretary).
Right before the credits, they whipped out what I think might be one of the most dramatically planned shots ever in TV.
The reason Zack is in the White House is to help President Davis with her--ready for it--re-election! Aaah! Mac has 2 years left in her term, and with ABC talking re-election, it looks like we're on our way to syndication! MTG's fear of an assassination attempt on Sexy Redheads in Power is completely unfounded.
This is such good news that it beat out Nutcracker on Ice as the MATISoTVTW. Word.


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